linyonghang1@ru Publish time 2023-8-18 17:01:23

How to adjust bandwidth in one click authentication?

One-click authentication on Ruijie Cloud does not support setting speed limits or bandwidth for authenticated users.

NateT14 Publish time 2024-4-16 07:13:50

Is there any solution?. I have the same question

javier@ruijie.c Publish time 2024-4-16 11:22:24

NateT14 replied at 2024-4-16 07:13
Is there any solution?. I have the same question


Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure the bandwidth with users that authenticate via one click, however I will send a demand to my R&D team to add in future updates with the cloud. Please note that the resolution is never known

Thank you for your understanding.


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