Title: RG-RAP6260(H) After Changing from AP mode to Router Mode I don't have access from WEB. [Print this page] Author: Roin@telco.ge Time: 2025-1-18 01:05 Title: RG-RAP6260(H) After Changing from AP mode to Router Mode I don't have access from WEB. Hi everyone after moving RG-RAP6260(H) from AP mode to Router Mode I can't access it's web interface but can ping.
RG-RAP6260(H) is getting IP from DHCP and i see devices MAC address on router and also can be pinged from router and also from PC.Is there any specific requirement or IP address after changing from AP to Router mode ?
Author: v-saul@ruijie.c Time: 2025-1-18 01:13
Hello Roin,
Is the device online in cloud?
If you try to access through tunnel eweb is letting you?
What is the message that you are obtaining when try to open it?
Device isn't in cloud our customer don't want to have device in Cloud.
Topology is next Cisco Router> Ruijie SW CS83 > RG-RAP6260(H).
If device is in AP mode it works good but as soon as we move it to router mode we lose access to it with web.
Message we get when we try to connect is just like that we can't access to it.
When we move from AP to Router mode device gets reset correct? also is any specific IP we have to access?
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