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Title: How to make different APs broadcast different SSIDs on Ruijie Cloud [Print this page]

Author: xiangwei.yao@ru    Time: 2025-1-20 21:17
Title: How to make different APs broadcast different SSIDs on Ruijie Cloud
Sometimes, if we are deploying a project at office, coworking scenario, we want different APs broadcast different SSIDs, we can perform this configuration through reyee cloud easily.
AP Name SSID Name
Meeting Room 1Meeting
Meeting Room 2Meeting
Office 1Office Employee
Office 2Office Employee

Ruijie Cloud allows you to configure different device group,so you can group different devices, and then you can create SSID based on different AP groups

Configuration step:

1. After login to the Ruijie Cloud,go to the home page of project, click on Project Management:

2. Select the project which we want enable such feature, and create corresponding device group, for example: "Meeting Rooms, Office"

3. Then you enter to that project, and you select the AP which you want group with, for example Meeting_Room_1 & Meeting_Room_2, and click on Move

then you select the AP group which you want these APs to be inside,and click OK:

then you can check, these APs are now in Meeting Rooms group

Proceed the same step with Offce APs

4. Go to Device Config>Wireless> SSID

Select SSID group Office and create the SSID Office Employee for this group

and delete that one which is not necessary.

Select SSID group Meeting Rooms and do also the same.

So the SSID Meeting will be broadcast on the APs in Meeting Rooms group ,and Office Employee will be broadcast on APs in Office group

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