Title: need support improved Loading faster Wifi [Print this page] Author: fom@mintrahotel Time: 2025-2-9 18:06 Title: need support improved Loading faster Wifi Need your help to make loading balance internet quality and faster sharing Author: v-shaojinren@ru Time: 2025-2-10 10:40
May I ask if you need to equalize the bandwidth for your users and sharing the files in your Network?
Unfortunately, an Reyee AP alone cannot support it. For such features, you may consider the following gateway model.
RG-EG105GW-X https://reyee.ruijie.com/en-global/products/reyee-router/wireless-router/eg105gwx/
For balancing internet quality, you can enable smart flow control.
For file sharing, you can enable Samba Filesharing. After this feature is enabled, devices on the Local Area Network (LAN) can access files stored on the USB flash drive through the Samba protocol.