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Title: Shedule reboot [Print this page]

Author: christopher.mar    Time: 2025-2-17 17:21
Title: Shedule reboot
How do we schedule reboot APs via cloud access?
found command instruction from a facebook ruijie page but it does not work.

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2025-2-17 17:59
You can use CLI commands to schedule reboot theRuijie AP.
Ruijie#reload at 12:01:02
You can use this command to verify the setting:
Ruijie#show reload
Here is the example:

1. The form of this command: reload at  hh:mm:ss month day year.
2. After the reboot task is done, the old task will be deleted, which means this command does not schedule reboot every day.
3. The time in task must be a time in the future. The month day year parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the system clock time is used by default.

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