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Title: How to improve network existing wireless? [Print this page]

Author: ccfadillah@gmai    Time: 2025-2-26 21:51
Title: How to improve network existing wireless?
Hi all

I have network with 8 RG810L and 4 RAP2260. The problem I can't make mesh for this network. How can I improve to use Mesh? Existing network only mes with 4 RAP2260.  Could RGOS and ReyeeOS support for these support?

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2025-2-26 22:18
Dear customer,
Unfortunately, Mesh network is only supported by Reyee models like RAP2260. Ruijie AP like RG-AP880-I does not support it.

Author: ccfadillah@gmai    Time: 2025-2-26 22:20
GTAC-Ryan replied at 2025-2-26 22:18
Dear customer,
Unfortunately, Mesh network is only supported by Reyee models like RAP2260. Ruijie AP ...

My bad my device is RG AP810L, can using controller make two these model into mesh?

Have you any idea for improve?

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2025-2-27 11:56
Chairul Fadillah replied at 2025-2-26 22:20
My bad my device is RG AP810L, can using controller make two these model into mesh?

Have you any ...

Dear customer,
RG-AP810-L is also an Ruijie AP model that does not support mesh network. If you need to manage them in the same network, you may consider manage them with Ruijie Cloud. You can deliver the configuration to them if they are in the same Cloud Project.
If you need to somehow connect them wirelessly, you could try configuring the Ruijie APs and then connect the RAP2260 to the SSID as wireless repeaters.

Wireless Access Controller models like RG-WS6008 are used for managing Ruijie APs like RG-AP810-L in FIT mode. They cannot manage Reyee AP like RAP2260.

Author: ccfadillah@gmai    Time: 2025-2-27 14:33
GTAC-Ryan replied at 2025-2-27 11:56
Dear customer,
RG-AP810-L is also an Ruijie AP model that does not support mesh network. If you n ...

Dear Ryan

Waht is different using via cloud or using repeaters from RAP2260?

What kind benefit and disadvantage from both? Why you guys can make it update for both communication between ReyessOS and RGOS?

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2025-2-27 15:33
Chairul Fadillah replied at 2025-2-27 14:33
Dear Ryan
Waht is different using via cloud or using repeaters from RAP2260?

Dear customer,
The cloud managent and wireless repeater mode do not conflict. For Reyee AP, wireless repeater mode is a work mode similar to AP mesh that allow the AP connect to a network wirelessly.

If you mean whether the ReyeeOS and RGOS devices can be managed in one self-organized network, it is only supported by the ReyeeOS devices. And there is no plan for SoN support for RGOS devices, as these 2 products serve different scenarios. Reyee AP is mainly used in SMB scenario, Ruijie APis mainly used in enterprise scenario.

Author: ccfadillah@gmai    Time: 2025-2-27 17:41
GTAC-Ryan replied at 2025-2-27 15:33
Dear customer,
The cloud managent and wireless repeater mode do not conflict. For Reyee AP, wirele ...

Dear Ryan

Can scenario works using cable from switch for mesh? I using RAP for mesh but after scan can't appear for grouping mesh.

Author: v-songruiqi@rui    Time: 2025-2-27 17:59
Chairul Fadillah replied at 2025-2-27 17:41
Dear Ryan

Can scenario works using cable from switch for mesh? I using RAP for mesh but after sca ...

Hi, sadly switch do not support mesh. you can tell us your devices model, and your needs about connection method like wired or wireless, we can help you check.

Author: ccfadillah@gmai    Time: 2025-2-27 18:46
GTAC-Rachel replied at 2025-2-27 17:59
Hi, sadly switch do not support mesh. you can tell us your devices model, and your needs about con ...

Hi Rachel

I manage one network with Switch NBS3200-48GT4XS within RAP 2260 AP. The AP connect using poe injector within LAN into Switch. why can't use mesh.?

I also have manage network using AP810L. athe device not using controller for mesh. The owner didn't want but want improve for this existing. How can I improve for these?

please kindly help for both network for wifi.

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2025-2-27 19:21
Chairul Fadillah replied at 2025-2-27 18:46
Hi Rachel

I manage one network with Switch NBS3200-48GT4XS within RAP 2260 AP. The AP connect us ...

Dear customer,
If you need to mange RAP2260 in the same self-organized network(SoN), you can make sure they are connected to the same VLAN. They will form a SoN automatically. Then, you can manage them with the SoN by login into the Eweb.

If you need to manage them with an AP810L, you can add them into the same Ruijie Cloud project and manage them on the Ruijie Cloud. Here is a guide on how to do it.

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