Title: How to custom APP on RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S? [Print this page] Author: zhangqiao@ruiji Time: 2025-3-4 15:05 Title: How to custom APP on RG-WALL 1600-Z3200-S? The device provides common application information.You can customize application information as needed to enhance the applicationidentification capability of the device.
(1) Choose Object > App > CustomApp.
(2) Click Create.
(3) Configure the parameters for the custom application.
(4) Click Confirm. To add more customapplications, click Confirm and ContinueAdding.
Follow-up Procedure
After a custom application is added, you can createan application group to categorize it. You can also create a security policy toperform access control on the traffic to access the custom application.
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