Ruijie Community

Title: How to monitoring 3rd-party devices with RG-OCE-Network Manager(NM) via SNMP? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2025-3-4 15:44
Title: How to monitoring 3rd-party devices with RG-OCE-Network Manager(NM) via SNMP?

The Ruijie OCE (Omni-Control Engine) is an easy and efficient on-premises network management solution for enterprise office,manufactory, K12 school, ISP and MSP to provide management features on local.The solutions include device deployment, monitoring, network optimization, and operational life cycle management; providing customers with plug-and-play deployment and operation and maintenance (O&M). It satisfies needs ofautomatic RF planning and user experience monitoring. Moreover, it supportsflexible wireless Wi-Fi management, including secure Private Pre-Shared Key(PPSK) authentication (one person, one machine, and one password), and third-party devices monitoring.


III Key Configurations

1. Configure SNMP on the 3rd-party device

2. Add the 3rd-party device into the project on the RG-OCE-Network Manager service

IV configuration Steps

1. Configure SNMP on the 3rd-party device
The steps for configuration vary from model to model. Generally, the following parameters need to be configured.

SNMP Version:



Port Number:


The device needs to be configured with the samecommunity name as the OCE server.

NMS Server Name:

Authentication Mode:

AuthenticationMode is used in SNMPv3 to ensure that the SNMP message comes from a legitimatesource and has not been tampered with.

Common authentication modes are:

No Auth(no authentication) – messages are not authenticated.

Auth– authentication is performed using a hash function (e.g., MD5 or SHA).

Authenticationensures data integrity and verifies the source of SNMP requests.

Encryption Algorithm:

Encryption Algorithm is used in SNMPv3 to protect the confidentiality of the SNMP message.

Encryption is applied after authentication, ensuring that the data is protected fromeavesdropping.

Common encryption algorithms include DES, AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256.

The encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as configuration data or performance metrics, is not visible to unauthorized parties.

2. Add the third party device into the project
Navigate to "Device -> Third-Party Devices" page and click "Add Third-Party Devices"

Input following parameters and click "OK"

IP Range: Indicates the IP range where the deviceis located.

Port: Indicates the SNMP port. The default value is161.

SNMP protocol version: Indicates the SNMP protocolversion. SNMP v2 and SNMP v3 are supported.

Community Name: Indicates the SNMP community name.

V Verification

Click the icon of the 3rd-party device to enter the monitoring page

Information including interface statistics, log history will be listed in the page.

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