Title: stun server rebooted my device [Print this page] Author: v-ruijie@wowrac Time: 2025-3-11 16:24 Title: stun server rebooted my device device AP-840-L
suddenly wifi is lost, checking on log i found this, so AP restart/rebooted on it's own
what is triggering Stun Server? i don't event know where it is
and how can the stun server reboot my device without consent/ notification?
Author: v-xiewenyu@ruij Time: 2025-3-11 20:23
Dear sir,
Good day.
Configuration log records human operations. If the record shows that the device is restarted, please check whether someone has performed an operation and restarted your device.
Best regards,
Lex Author: v-ruijie@wowrac Time: 2025-3-11 21:55