TAC-Saul replied at 2025-3-13 05:04
Hello Miguel,
The NBR by default has the inter-vlan routing enabled. The ping and communication bet ...
Miguel Nunes replied at 2025-3-13 06:28
Ok and thanks for the answer.
But how do I disable the NBR by default "Inter-vlan" so I can create ...
TAC-Saul replied at 2025-3-13 23:48
to block the comunication between vlans you need to create access list (ACL) blocking the communic ...
Miguel Nunes replied at 2025-3-14 02:48
Thank you, I'll try to see that, if I can't, can you help me more or access the PC I'm testing on? ...
TAC-Saul replied at 2025-3-14 06:56
You can join us to our live chat rita to help you in realtime .
RITA (Ruijie Intelligent Technical ...
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