Title: How do I control the outbound bandwidth of an internal IP address? [Print this page] Author: linxihao@ruijie Time: 2019-6-28 16:16 Title: How do I control the outbound bandwidth of an internal IP address? Enable smart flow control for the EG series device and restrict thebandwidth of an IP address. The detailed procedure is as follows:
1. On the Web UI, choose Flow > Flow Control Policy > Smart Flow Control and set Flow Control to ON.
2. Set the bandwidth for an IP address. Author: bilalbhattihtc@ Time: 2025-1-27 19:25
Use PBR or use the Mac to route from certain wans. Even flow controls.
I try to have 3 rules to match . Works with one IP. But url routing and IP routing from a certain wan is not done . I have to use src IP address from load balancing
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