Title: How config 802.1Q tag for WAN port in EG2100-P v2? [Print this page] Author: juan@goldnetsol Time: 2022-1-20 20:46 Title: How config 802.1Q tag for WAN port in EG2100-P v2? How config 802.1Q tag for WAN port in EG2100-P v2? Author: GTAC-Daisy Time: 2022-1-21 11:51
Dear sir,
You can configure vlan under WAN port sub-interface Author: juan@goldnetsol Time: 2022-1-23 14:13
Ok thaks for the reply.
My router offer DHCP in vlan 832.
The EG2100-P not receibe the ip address.
I analized with wireshark and receibe the dhcp offer from router but the gateway not responds. When i conect other gateway from another vendor wirh the same configuration it's work.
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