Ruijie Community

Title: Network Management FAQs [Print this page]

Author: GTAC-Henry    Time: 2022-1-24 16:22
Title: Network Management FAQs
1. What should I do if the network sharing code is expired?
2. What should I do if I cannot find the others sharing network?
3. What should I do if I want to modify the permission for the shard network?
4. What should I do if I want to modify the time limit for the shard network?
5. What should I do if I want to know who shared the network with me?
6. What can I do i I fail to receive the shared network?
7. The limitation of hand over project?
8. Why cannot choose the Layer-2 sub-network to view the statistics?
9. What should I do if I want to cancel share the shared network?

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