Ruijie Community

Title: How to change ssid configuration on reuijie Cloud? [Print this page]

Author: GTAC-Sam    Time: 2022-2-16 19:54
Title: How to change ssid configuration on reuijie Cloud?
a)    Log in to Ruijie Cloud,select the corresponding project, and click configuration—wireless—basic

b) Enter the details interface for configuring SSID
WLAN ID: Sequence number to represent SSID ID
Hidden: Choose disablebroadcasting SSID or not
SSID: WiFi Name
Forward Mode:
NAT mode or bridgemode. NAT mode: AP will work as a router and DHCP pool to provide IP addressfor terminal stations.
Bridge mode: AP willwork as a switch and passthrough all traffic. It requires the user to fill inspecific VLAN ID for STA.
(If not familiar withexisted network design, NAT mode is recommended)
Encryption Mode:
OPEN: Open SSID andpassword is not required
WPA-PSK: Use WPAalgorithm to encrypt SSID and password is required
WPA2-PSK: Use WPA2algorithm to encrypt SSID and password is required
WPA2-Enterprise(802.1x)Dot1x authentication and external radius server is required
Radio: generally,Radio 1 represent 2.4Ghz and Radio 2 represent 5Ghz.

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