Title: how to configure openvpn? [Print this page] Author: GTAC-Daisy Time: 2022-3-24 20:46 Title: how to configure openvpn? Reyee EG model support OpenVPN: EG105G V2, EG210 series with latest firmware version.
Below steps will show you how to configuration OpenVPN on Reyee EG.
1. Steps 1: Login in to EG => VPN menu => OpenVPN.
2. Steps 2: Enable OpenVPN and select/ input VPN information to below fields.
+ VPN type (Server/Client) based on your needed
+ Server Mode - 3 authentications method supported: Account, Certificate, Account & Certificate
- Account mode: you have to create account at VPN => VPN Clients
- Certificate: VPN connection will use certificate to auth.
- Account & Certificate: use both methods
+ Protocol: TCP or UDP
+ Server Address: IP/domain (your WAN ip address) or your domain name.
+ Port ID: 1194 by default.
+ IP Range: the IP will assign to client device.
+ Deliver Route: based on your network, you can add more than one route.
Advanced configuration:
- TLS authentication: to secure your VPN connection with TLS key
- Allow Data Compression: Yes by default.
- Route All Traffic over VPN: No by default.
- Ciper: Allow you to chose data encryption algorithms, by default will be AES-128-CBC
- Deliver DNS: will assign DNS address to client device.
- Auth: SHA1 by default.
3. Steps 3: Save configuration by click to Save button and Export Client Config/ Server log
4. Steps 4: Download and install OpenVPN application to your PC
- You can download OpenVPN client in this link (select suitable version for your PC): https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
5. Steps 5: Import Client config to OpenVPN client after installed on your PC.
- Extract Client that you downloaded before then you will get etc folder with client.ovpn file
- Right click to OpenVPN icon on try system and chose Import => Import file... => browse to the location client.ovpn extracted.
File Imprted successfully then you can connect to VPN
6. Final steps: Right clict to OpenVPN icon on try system then select connect, if you using Account authentication method then you have to input your vpn account at this step.
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