Title: How can I speed limit for vlan on reyee EG? [Print this page] Author: Daisy Time: 2022-4-16 11:55 Title: How can I speed limit for vlan on reyee EG? 1. Click Router->Advanced->FlowControl->Enable, configure the WAN Bandwidth base on truth, such as ISP give you a cable with uplink 100Mbps and downlink 200Mbps, you can fill up 100and down 100 here, then click Save.
Notice: If you want totest the WAN rate, please disable smart flow control first.
2. After enable flowcontrol, you can see a new button CustomPolicy. Click it to allocate bandwidth to the specified VLAN IP address orrange. The priority is sorted as follows: Custom Policy > Smart Flow Control. IP/IP Range: Set an IP address or IPaddress range. Bandwidth Type: Shared indicates thatall IP addresses share the total bandwidth. Independent indicates that the rate limit is set per IP address. Uplink Rate: CIR: CIR indicates the committedinformation rate. PIR: PIR indicates the peak informationrate. Downlink Rate: CIR: CIR indicates the committedinformation rate. PIR: PIR indicates the peak informationrate. Interface: Select a WAN port which thepolicy is applied to. If choose All WANPorts: The policy is applied to all WAN ports. Status: Enable or disable a policy.
3. Do speed test,showing the guest which on default vlan only can reach under 2Mbps
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