Ruijie Community

Title: Why Ruijie EG can access network but local clients can't? [Print this page]

Author: Daisy    Time: 2022-4-28 16:21
Title: Why Ruijie EG can access network but local clients can't?
Issue phenomenon:
Ruijie EG can be online on cloud which means that it can access Internet,but the devices and clients can't access internet.
1. Try to ping the gateway IP of PC using cmd function. If can't ping, please check the LAN setting, whether it  is same with gateway IP of PC. If it isn't, please modify it.
    Such as: The gateway IP of PC is, but the IP setting on LAN port is Need to modify the IP setting on LAN port to be
2. If can ping the gateway of PC, but still can't access Internet.
    1) check whether enable NAT on WAN port, need to enable it on EG.
    2) If the NAT was enabled, but still can't access internet. Please check whether the NAT rule and NAT address Pool was removed. NAT rule and NAT address Pool is needed to access internet. If they are removed, please add the NAT Address Pool first, then add NAT rule like following.

Notice: The ACL 110 is used for NAT default. So if you still can't access internet, please check the ACL 110 setting. It should permit the IP range which need to access internet. You can set it like following.

3) If the NAT and ACL setting is normal, but clients still can't access internet. Please click User->Block Internet Access to check whether enable it. If enabled it, only the whitelist users can access Internet.

4) Click User->User->Special User->User Blacklist to check whether the users are added to blacklist.

If still can't access internet, please contact with Rita Live for online support.

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