Title: Ruijie Reyee Failover [Print this page] Author: reko@cove.id Time: 2022-8-8 23:46 Title: Ruijie Reyee Failover Dear Ruijie,
as a Network Engineer, i used concerned about the failover function in many types of routers/gateway.
i have tried Ruijie EG210G-P , and tested the failover balanced function, i need to confirm with you, did ruijie failover will works, if i use balance mode in load balancing setting? or it has to change to primary & secondary mode if we want to activate failover ?
because my aim is to use all 2 isp bandwidth resources in normal condition and switch to 1 active isp if 1 of 2 isp is down.
thank you!
Author: Daisy Time: 2022-8-9 16:30
Please use the balance mode,if use primary & secondary mode, only when primary one is down, the second one will work
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