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Title: Is SON support Layer 3? [Print this page]

Author: GTAC-Sophia    Time: 2022-10-28 16:12
Title: Is SON support Layer 3?
Layer 3 networking is supported, but layer 3 SON (Self-Organizing Network) is not supported. Because layer 3 networking needs to disable the SON function

Author: nareetanawab15@    Time: 2023-3-31 17:51
Edited by Mary Dingman at 2023-4-16 15:25

Using a router with ROAS to route packets makes sense in some cases, particularly at small remote sites. In sites with a larger LAN, network designers choose to use Layer 3 switches for most inter-VLAN routing.
A Layer 3 switch (also called a multilayer switch) is one device, but it executes logic at two layers: Layer 2 LAN switching and Layer 3 IP routing. The Layer 2 switch function forwards frames inside each VLAN, but it will not forward frames between VLANs. The Layer 3 forwarding (routing) logic forwards IP packets between VLANs.
Layer 3 switches typically support two configuration options to enable IPv4 routing inside the switch, specifically to enable IPv4 on switch interfaces. This section explains one option, an option that uses switched virtual interfaces (SVI). The final major section of the chapter deals with the other option for configuring IPv4 addresses on Layer 3 switches: routed interfaces.

Author: martinrobber0@g    Time: 2025-1-30 17:44
thanks for sharing information

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