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Title: Primary failed [Print this page]

Author: argieatillo1986    Time: 2023-2-12 12:50
Title: Primary failed
Hi! goodafternoon,
      I have concern about the Ruijie Reyee RG-EG105G V2 I try Primary and Secondary mode,  I want my set up the PRIMARY will be the top priority but the problem I've tried deffernt mode at 1st the primary will take effect as a priority when I disable the PRIMARY the SECONDARY will ang there was no problem with the secondary and when I enable again the PRIMARY sometime it will make the SECONDARY as a priority or sometimes the PRIMARY priority will effect my concern is there anyway that the PRIMARY will be always be the priority, when I disable the PRIMARY and after a minute I enable automatically the PRIMARY will be the priority not the SECONDARY can you help me with that?

Author: GTAC-Micca    Time: 2023-2-13 10:28

May I know are you mentioned this load setting?
May I check your setting, please?

Looking forward to your kind reply.

best regards,

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