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Title: Reyee Router - Dynamic DNS Explain [Print this page]

Author: jacques@aquilat    Time: 2023-4-12 21:37
Title: Reyee Router - Dynamic DNS Explain
Hello Reyee
1. Does Reyee routers come with free Dynamic DNS like Mikrotik?
2. Do I need to register my own No IP account? Problem with No IP Account, I need verify account every 30 days...
3. Can I use alternative Dynamic DNS Service = Dynu, Duck DNS, ClouDNS

Author: guominxiang@rui    Time: 2023-4-13 10:06
For your first question: Yes, Reyee routers come with free Dynamic DNS【New reminder】Does the Reyee EG device support DDNS? - Router - ruijienetworks
For your second question: Yes, you need register your No IP account. For verify question, this is rule of No IP account, you can check on their offical website.

For your third question: You can refer to this post: 【New reminder】Which DDNS service providers are available for Reyee device? - Router - ruijienetworks

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