Ruijie Community

Title: End of life or end of sale announcement for Ruijie AP840i? [Print this page]

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2023-6-27 22:37
Dear sir

I check the AP840-I is still on sale.

You can check the on sale products on our official website via this link:

You can refer to this link to check whether the specific device is still on sale via this link:

Best regards

Author: ronangil.lopez@    Time: 2023-6-29 08:15
GTAC-Jenny replied at 2023-6-27 22:37
Dear sir

I check the AP840-I is still on sale.

When will be the of end-of-production year of Ruijie AP 840i? Is Ruijie AP 840L will be its replacement?

Thank you

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2023-6-29 21:54
Ronan Lopez replied at 2023-6-29 08:15
When will be the of end-of-production year of Ruijie AP 840i? Is Ruijie AP 840L will be its replac ...

Dear sir

The announcement hasn't been released so we can not confirm the specific year when it will be end of sale. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards

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