Title: How to change Voice Vlan mode on NBS3000 series? [Print this page] Author: GTAC-Sophia Time: 2023-7-4 17:42 Title: How to change Voice Vlan mode on NBS3000 series? Choose Advanced>Voice Vlan>Port setting
You select Auto Mode and Manual Mode
Auto Mode: In this mode, the device checks whether the permit VLANs of a port contain the voice VLAN after the voice VLAN function is enabled on the port. If yes, the device deletes the voice VLAN from the permit VLANs of the port until the port receives a voice packet containing a specified OUI. Then, the device automatically adds the voice VLAN to the port's permit VLANs. If the port does not receive a voice packet containing the specified OUI within the global aging time, the device removes the Voice VLAN from the permit VLANs of the port.
Manual Mode: If the permit VLANs of a port contain the voice VLAN, voice packets can be transmitted in the voice VLAN
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