Ruijie Community

Title: Ruijie Cloud New UI not support Encrypt PPSK mode [Print this page]

Author:    Time: 2023-7-16 22:48
Title: Ruijie Cloud New UI not support Encrypt PPSK mode
Hi guy Could you please advise How to configure PPSK mode on new UI Ruijie Cloud a while must be roll back old version confugure mode like this it's inconvenience details as attachment

Author: GTAC-Jayden    Time: 2023-7-16 22:54
Dear sir,

Very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this issue. We are aware of this issue, and R&D is working on this issue. This issue will be resolved by the end of this week.

Best regards,

Author: GTAC-Jayden    Time: 2023-7-21 19:25
Dear sir,

Please kindly note this issue has been fixed now, if you have Ruijie Enterprise APs in the project, you may select PPSK as the encryption mode:

Best regards,

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