Ruijie Community

Title: How to configure super vlan on Ruijie EG? [Print this page]

Author: GTAC-Sophia    Time: 2023-7-19 11:28
Title: How to configure super vlan on Ruijie EG?
You can configure the super vlan on Ruijie EG asfollows:
1. Enable SUPER-VLAN function. If this parameter is selected, the SUPER VLAN function is enabled. To disable it, clear this parameter.

Max Online Users Per VID: Specifies the maximum number of online vlans. The value ranges from 1 to 1000. If a user corresponds to a vid, the maximum number of online vlans must be set to 1.
Port VID: Select the internal network port to be configured. The corresponding configuration options are displayed. The value of VID for an interface ranges from 1 to 4085. The VID of two interfaces cannot overlap. For example, if the VID of one port ranges from 1 to 1000, the value of the other port cannot range from 500 to 600. The value of the other port cannot range from 1 to 1000.

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