Ruijie Community

Title: How to configure port mapping for Reyee EG on Ruijie Cloud ? [Print this page]

Author: linyonghang1@ru    Time: 2023-8-8 10:25
Title: How to configure port mapping for Reyee EG on Ruijie Cloud ?
Click Device--->NAT--->Add Port Mapping

After adding Port Mapping, enter the following information

Name: The name of the mapping policy

Intranet host service type: Select the service you need to access the intranet device

Protocol: Select the protocol type to which the service of the intranet device belongs

IP address/port of intranet host: The IP address of the intranet device and the port number of the corresponding service

IP address/port accessible by extranet users after mapping: Set the mapped IP Address and Port Number(The mapped port can be configured with any unused port number and does not need to be the same as the intranet port)

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