Title: What should I do if RLDP does not work on my Ruijie S2915-24GT4MS-P-L? [Print this page] Author: linyonghang1@ru Time: 2023-8-10 09:23 Title: What should I do if RLDP does not work on my Ruijie S2915-24GT4MS-P-L? When RLDP does not work on Ruijie Switch, please follow these steps to do troubleshooting first. In this case, we will take Ruijie S2915-24GT4MS-P-L as an example.
1. Please check if RLDP is enabled or not correctly on Ruijie Switch.
2. log in to the CLI of Ruijie Switch via console or telnet, and check the loop port setting by using this command:
show rldp interface GigabitEthernet 0/19
show rldp interface GigabitEthernet 0/23
3. Check the RLDP status of the loop switchports by using this command:
show rldp interface GigabitEthernet 0/19
show rldp interface GigabitEthernet 0/23
4. If you connect a loop, but the status you got in the previous step shows normal. Then please check if you configure STP/RSTP/MSTP on your Ruijie Switch or not.
If there is a port blocked by STP, please turn off the STP function and test RLDP again.
You can type this command to verify the STP status: show spanning-tree summary
RLDP does not consider a loop when it receives a loop message from this switch in the following cases:
① Assume that the loop is caused by routing ports. For example, ports 0/2 and 0/16 are both routing ports, or one is a routing port and the other is a switchport.
② Assume that the loop is caused by two ports belonging to different vlan, or the allowed vlan list of trunk port is not the same, such as 0/2 port and 0/16 are both switch ports, but belong to different vlan.
③ Assume that Ruijie Switch has enabled the STP already. Please be minded that STP and RLDP can't work together. Because there is a loop that occurs on Ruijie Switch, STP will first detect the existence of the loop and BLOCK one of the ports. At this time RLDP does not consider that a loop has occurred.
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