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Title: NBR AP with captive portal capacity [Print this page]

Author: taher.mehdoui@t    Time: 2023-10-27 17:49
Title: NBR AP with captive portal capacity
If i have many AP without Wifi6. how many AP with captive portal can the NBR Support ?

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2023-10-27 18:19
Sorry to tell that only WIFI 6 aps
and with the firmware version R219 or above can
support captive portal. In your scenario, it is advised to configure local authentication on the NBR. The first link is about the support models, and the second one is the guide to configure local autehntication on the NBR. The step is the same.
How to configure captive portal on Reyee RAP2260(E)? - Wireless - ruijienetworks

How to configure Ruijie EG local authentication from Cloud? - Cloud - ruijienetworks

Best regards,

Author: taher.mehdoui@t    Time: 2023-10-27 23:40
GTAC-Vivian replied at 2023-10-27 18:19
Sorry to tell that only WIFI 6 aps
and with the firmware version R219 or above can

How About This number of AP  attached in the datasheet of NBR ?

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2023-10-30 13:24
Taher Mehdoui replied at 2023-10-27 23:40
How About This number of AP  attached in the datasheet of NBR ?

This model does not support this feature. You may want to check the latest datasheet here.
Really sorry for the incovenience caused to you.
RG-NBR6000 Series Datasheet - Ruijie Networks

Best regards,

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