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Title: how to configure Ruijie EASY GATEWAY(EG2100-P) to use custom DNS instead from ISP [Print this page]

Author:    Time: 2023-12-8 00:20
Title: how to configure Ruijie EASY GATEWAY(EG2100-P) to use custom DNS instead from ISP
Hi there!

Is the anyway to configure Ruijie EASY GATEWAY(EG2100-P) to use custom DNS instead from ISP by using CLI command line

My Device is below
System description      : Ruijie EASY GATEWAY(EG2100-P) by Ruijie Networks.
System start time       : 2023-12-07 03:30:40
System uptime           : 0:20:34:27
System hardware version : 2.20
System software version : EG_RGOS 11.9(6)B17P1, Release(10211623)
System patch number     : NA
System serial number    : H1NR6XXVVVV
System boot version     : 2.7.1

Is the anyway to configure on  inter dialer1 custom DNS

interface dialer 1
bandwidth 1000000
ip address negotiate
ppp ipcp dns request
ppp chap hostname Crosswire@isp
ppp chap password 0 QAzwsx$%^
ppp pap sent-username Crosswire@isp password 0 QAzwsx$%^
dialer pool 1
ip nat outside

thank you

Author: javier@ruijie.c    Time: 2023-12-8 08:41

You can configure your DNS as in the following link using eweb:

On the other hand, if you want to use commands, it is as follows:

ip name-server [oob] {ip address | ipv6 address}--------- To add the DNS
no ip name-server [oob] {ip address | ipv6 address} ------ To delete the DNS

oob: Enables the out-band channel. It must be set when the MGMT port is specified as the source port for communication with the server.
ip address: The IP address of the domain name server.

For further information, you can refer to the command guide on 3.4 ip name-server:



Author:    Time: 2023-12-8 11:44
Dear Javier,

Thank you for your reply ! I already the done command & Setting  as well by refer the link below before I post this question

will try the command as follow this doc link:
For further information, you can refer to the command guide on
3.4 ip name-server:
What is i means that whether can add DNS ip address on the Dialer1 ? if yes , please guide me

Thank you

Author:    Time: 2023-12-12 22:45
User 58099 replied at 2023-12-8 11:44
Dear Javier,

Thank you for your reply ! I already the done command & Setting  as well by refer the  ...

Hi all,
Good day to you all ! able to configure it using change the CLI as below highlighted

interface dialer 1
bandwidth 1000000
ip address negotiate
ppp ipcp dns request change to ppp ipcp dns

ppp chap hostname Crosswire@isp
ppp chap password 0 QAzwsx$%^
ppp pap sent-username Crosswire@isp password 0 QAzwsx$%^
dialer pool 1
ip nat outside

Thank you

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