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Title: How to configure open VPN client in EW? [Print this page]

Author: GTAC-Sophia    Time: 2023-12-14 15:03
Title: How to configure open VPN client in EW?
Mobile Phone View: Choose More>Switch to PC view->More->VPN->Open VPN.
PC View: Choose More->VPN->Open VPN.
Currently, this device supports Import Config, through which the configuration file is manually imported for docking with the server that is similar to this device. The client configuration file "client.ovpn" can be directly exported from the docked OpenVPN server.
(1) Click Enable to enable the Open VPN function. Configure OpenVPN Type as Client.
(2) Configure the Server Mode and click Browse to import the client configuration file.
Click Save to save the configuration.
The device supports three authentication modes: Account, Certificate, and Accoun t& Certificate.
Account mode: The correct account, password, and CA certificate is required to connect to the server, where the CA certificate information is embedded in the client's configuration file.
Certificate mode: The client needs the correct CA certificate, client certificate, and pre-shared key to connect to the server, which are all embedded in the client's configuration file.
Account & Certificate mode: The client needs the correct account, password, CA certificate, client certificate, and pre-shared key to connect to the server, where the CA certificate information, client certificate, and pre-shared key are embedded in the client's configuration file.

Configuration Items of Open VPN Client Web Setting Configuration Mode

Configuration Items of OpenVPNClient WebSettingConfiguration Mode

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