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Title: FACING LOT OF ISSUE AFTER UPDATING THE NEW UPDATE - AP_RGOS 11.9(6)W3B1, Release(11160201) [Print this page]

Author: infotech@sriven    Time: 2024-5-4 16:37
We are really worried about your new update. After updating the new update, AP_RGOS 11.9(6)W3B1, Release (11160201), all 150 of our AP's failed to sync the SSID, so we delivered the drive configuration manually, The SSID synced, but we were not able to deliver the DHCP, so we were not able to provide WiFi to our staff and students. Kindly rectify the issue as early as possible. We are ready to share the Project Login credentials

1) AP820-L(V2) - 100 Nos

2) AP820-L(V3) - 50 Nos

Author: guominxiang@rui    Time: 2024-5-4 17:46
Hello SVGI Puducherry,
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
1. What was the previous version, and from what version to the current version
2. May I know what device is your uplink gateway? Is it a firewall? Or any modem with firewall function?
If yes, you need pass these ports and domains:

Note that if it is not manually added to the list that is released, it is blocked by default.Release in both the outgoing and incoming directions.

*Please note that the above sharing is based on the location of your community (Country/Region: India) if the location is not the location of the device, or is not the cloud host you are using, please let me know.
If the issue still exists, please help to collect the capture packet information and talk with me again. When capturing packets, click Manual delivery on the cloud.

Please share the capture packet with me. I would be glad to help you in Community.

Author: infotech@sriven    Time: 2024-5-6 15:15
GTAC-Micca replied at 2024-5-4 17:46
Hello SVGI Puducherry,
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current ...

We fine-tuned the setting you suggested, but still, the issue is there in 25 AP's: SSID not syncing; it is failed.
And other issues raised:
DHCP Note assigned to user by AP itself, because DHCP automatically turns off when it restarts if any power goes out, so IP obtaining failed to User Mobile, We attached our setting screenshots; please give the solution.

Author: infotech@sriven    Time: 2024-5-6 15:16
SVGI Puducherry replied at 2024-5-6 15:15
We fine-tuned the setting you suggested, but still, the issue is there in 25 AP's: SSID not syncin ...

Previous Firmware Version:AP_RGOS 11.9(6)W1B1, Release(09180101)

Current Firmware Version:
AP_RGOS 11.9(6)W3B1, Release(11160201)

Author: guominxiang@rui    Time: 2024-5-6 15:30
SVGI Puducherry replied at 2024-5-6 15:16
Previous Firmware Version:AP_RGOS 11.9(6)W1B1, Release(09180101)

[l ...

I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.

Can you help to check the following aspects:

1. May I know what device is your egress gateway? Do you have firewall on this network? Or any modem with firewall function?

If so, please share the configuration of the released port or domain name for me to check. If not, please share the me the model of your gateway.

2. About the problem that DHCP automatically disables. Can I know if all APs have this problem?
3. If possible, please share your project with me. In order to protect the safety of your project, please share to my email

If you have other questions, please talk with me again. I would be glad to help you in Community.

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