Ruijie Community

Title: Roaming Problems [Print this page]

Author: Kevin Bryan Lau    Time: 2024-5-23 15:12
Title: Roaming Problems
Hi, can anyone help me, roaming around he building keeps my devices disconnected and have difficulty to connect automatically. what should i do? should I add more AP or adjust some parameters in radio settings.


Author: taizhaolong@rui    Time: 2024-5-23 16:49
Edited by GTAC-David at 2024-5-27 19:06

Dear Kevin Brya Laurea,

Good day,

Thank you for reaching out regarding the issue you're experiencing with device disconnections while roaming around the building.

To better assist you, could you please provide the following information:
1. The number of Access Points (APs) currently installed in the environment.
2. A topology and installation map of your current setup.

Understanding the number of APs and their placement is crucial because it directly affects the coverage and quality of the roaming experience. Insufficient APs or improper placement can lead to weak signals and frequent disconnections.

Here are some steps you can take to improve the roaming environment:

1. **Check AP Placement**:
   - Ensure that the APs are strategically placed to provide overlapping coverage without excessive interference.
   - Avoid placing APs too close to each other as this can cause signal interference.

2. **Adjust Radio Settings**:
   - Set the APs to operate on different channels to minimize interference.
   - Adjust the transmit power of the APs to ensure that the coverage areas overlap appropriately without creating dead zones.

3. **Use Mesh Networking**:
   - Consider using Reyee mesh to connect all APs with each other. This can provide seamless roaming by maintaining consistent signal strength across the building.

4. **Update Firmware**:
   - Ensure that all APs have the latest firmware updates, as these can include improvements for connectivity and roaming.

If you can provide the requested information, we can offer more specific recommendations tailored to your environment.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,


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