Title: How to do if load balancing on Reye EG doesn't work? [Print this page] Author: zhangqiao@ruiji Time: 2024-5-24 10:38 Title: How to do if load balancing on Reye EG doesn't work? Issue Description 1
When EG is working in Active/Secondary mode, the user's traffic going through the secondary WAN port even though the primary WAN port is on. Solution
Please log in to Reyee EG, and click Gatway-->Config-->WAN to disable "Forced Switch" option. The Active/Secondary mode may not work for the existing connections when “Forced Switch” option is enabled. Issue Description 2
When Reyee EG is working in load balancing mode, the traffic still goes through onlyone WAN port instead of divided evenly Solution
2.1 Check if the other WAN ports have lost outbound connection
Enter the eweb of Reyee EG
check WAN link detection
One possible cause is that the other WAN ports have unstable connections to the internet
2.2 Check if there is any related flow control policy directing certain traffic to a designated WAN port. If yes, please delete it.
2.3 check if there has been configured any PBR. If yes, please delete certain flow control policy and take another load balancing test
2.4 Check the load balancing policy used on Reyee EG
For load modes like
Based on Connections
Based on Src IP Address
Based on Src and Dest IP Address
Try adjusting the WAN port weight according to WAN ports actual bandwidth, for example WAN 0 port 1000M and WAN 1 port 500M
Try switching load modes among these 4 modes andtest which of the modes could lead to reasonable traffic division
If your situation is not among the above ones orthe issue can't be solved by the mentioned steps, pls contact Online Tech Support
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