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Title: Compare Data Traffic Used [Print this page]

Author: liemtrantan@gma    Time: 2024-5-29 11:24
Title: Compare Data Traffic Used
Dear Sir,
Why data at Top 10 Traffic Rangking different Tab Client/app traffic summary from day 14th to 28th May, for example Client:
MAC: f23b.d610.7f9e
at the picture,

DataCompare1: Data used: 34.3 GB (Sum 30 days)
DataCompare2: Data used: 24.446 GB (Sum App Traffic data from 14th to 28th May)
Thanks for your support!

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-5-29 13:36
Dear sir

The data in the first chart refers to all the usage traffic of the device in a month, and the second chart refers to the usage of the device when browsing apps in half a month
At present, it is the limitation of the cloud, and the use of the APP can only support half a month's viewing

Best regrads,

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