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Title: How to separate broadcast from different ap [Print this page]

Author: IT orrm    Time: 2024-5-31 13:50
Title: How to separate broadcast from different ap

We want to run RAP 2266 access point in different flats but we want to disable broadcast of client that connected to access point for example ap in flat 101 can detect devices in ap 2

can you give me a guide please

thank you

Author: taizhaolong@rui    Time: 2024-5-31 15:54
Hi Mohamed Suhail,

Thank you for reaching out.

If you are referring to preventing clients in other rooms from detecting the SSID from your access point, you have a couple of options:

1. Hide SSID: You can configure the access point to hide the SSID. This will prevent users in other rooms from seeing the SSID, but it will require users in the room to manually search for and connect to the hidden SSID.

2. Adjust SSID Radio Strength: You can also adjust the radio strength of the SSID broadcast so that it only covers the desired area, thereby preventing users in other rooms from detecting the SSID.

Please let us know if you need a detailed guide on how to configure these settings.


Author: IT orrm    Time: 2024-6-2 14:23
GTAC-David replied at 2024-5-31 15:54
Hi Mohamed Suhail,

Thank you for reaching out.

Thank you for your response, but that's not what I'm asking.

For example, if a guest is connected to AP1, they can scan and check all IPs connected to the same AP. I want to ensure that if a guest is connected to access point 1, they cannot sign in to other apps.

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2024-6-2 14:46
Mohamed Suhail replied at 2024-6-2 14:23
Thank you for your response, but that's not what I'm asking.

For example, if a guest is connected ...

Dear sir

In this situation, you may set the APs to different SSIDs so that the client can only connect to the specific SSID that the APs have to get higher wireless signal strength. Here is the guide to configure different SSID for different APs in the Same SON network:

Because it is client behaviour to choose which AP to connect. Some clients would prefer stability, so keep connected to the old AP which may not be the best one.
If you want all the APs have the same SSID and still the clients need to connect to the nearer AP, you can try to increase the roaming sensitivity on this page:

1. Roaming sensitivity is the rate at which your device selects and switch to the nearest available access point, offering a better signal.
2. A higher roaming sensitivity level indicates a poorer Wi-Fi coverage.

If there are any problems, please feel free to contact us and provide more details about your AP deployed diagram and the issue you are encountering. We will try to provide you better solution for your requirement.

Best regards

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