Ruijie Community

Title: AP or Router when connected to another router in a large space ? [Print this page]

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2024-6-17 16:03
Dear sir

Router Mode: EW works in router mode, which can configure NAT and DHCP server, it works as the primary router and allocates IP addresses to users to access the Internet.
Access Point Mode: Previously it was called wired repeater. It works as the secondary router which connects to the primary router with wire to expand the network of the primary router. The device and the user are in the same network which both get the IP from the primary router.
When you change the router working mode, the config will be reset coz the settings are different between different modes. When the router is in AP mode, you can not configure its LAN port setting, coz it works as repeater and all ports are in the same network segment.
any impact to signal strength with is set high today--->
The coverage is same in router mode and in ap mode.

any impact on channel selection for 2.4 or 5G--->
The router in ap mode can still support modifying the 2.4g/5g channel.

any impact on the dedicated smart IOT network the router creates--->

The IOT device can be reconnected after the router changes the work mode and rebroadcast the wifi.
any impact on DNS and connected devices--->

The user device DNS server will be delivered from the dhcp server.

Best regards

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