Ruijie Community

Title: Invalid Vouchers [Print this page]

Author: kurt.salvador@g    Time: 2024-6-19 08:36
Title: Invalid Vouchers
When we generated a new set of vouchers, these voucher codes will not work.
Portal has been synchronized with our Gateway.

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-6-19 09:16
Hi sir
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
If the issue still exists, please help to share the network via this I would be glad to help you in Community.

Author: kurt.salvador@g    Time: 2024-6-19 09:33
GTAC-Ross replied at 2024-6-19 09:16
Hi sir
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Ca ...

Gateway is EG - 3250
I forgot to mention that there are two voucher groups: 1 good for two days, the other good for two hours.
The two hour vouchers are having an issue.
Error is invalid voucher code

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-6-19 10:50
Kurt Salvador replied at 2024-6-19 09:33
Gateway is EG - 3250
I forgot to mention that there are two voucher groups: 1 good for two days,  ...

Hi sir

I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.

Can you help to check the following aspects:
1.May I know if you tried to add new voucher codes, but it will show the same error?
you can try to configure new voucher code to trigger the configuration delivery to the device again

2. May I know after you delivery the configuration the Cloud
can you find the voucher code on the web interface of the EG3250
and how long you wait that voucher code still not sysnce on the device?

If the issue still exists, please help to share the network via this I would be glad to help you in Community.

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