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Title: team project management [Print this page]

Author: maxpertitsoluti    Time: 2024-6-20 12:19
Title: team project management
Hi all,
I have a team would like to manage cloud Rujie under certain project. how can I add my partner as admin roles to manage this project together?

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-6-20 12:38
Hi Jason Leong,
There are two ways to let certain users to mange your projects:
1. Configure sub account and set the role as Admin. Here is the guide on how to create it.
How to create sub account - Ruijie Cloud - Ruijie Community (

2. Share the project with that user and set the permission as Read&Write. The period can be set very longe.
Here is the guide also.
How to share network on cloud? - Ruijie Cloud - Ruijie Community (

Please refer to the guides and try these two methods.

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