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Title: Website filtering not functioning [Print this page]

Author: YNLJS    Time: 2024-6-21 19:56
Title: Website filtering not functioning
We are using a EG210G-E and i have setup the website filtering and added many websites to be blocked including or or and none of them are being blocked.

Is it possible to check why these sites and 98% of all websites are not being blocked?
Please help

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-6-21 20:00
Hi, Yll Nelaj

Please make sure the EG is updated to the latest firmware.
Please also note that if you are using custom website, it may not accurately identify all the websites and block them.
You may try using wild card such as * However, if the website is already available in the app library, for example, Facebook is available in the default app library, it is advised to reference the app from the app library directly for more accurate app/website filtering.

Best regards,

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