Ruijie Community

Title: Need help for configuration of portal Registration for NBR family integrated with Cloud [Print this page]

Author: mturco@visiotec    Time: 2024-6-24 17:35
Title: Need help for configuration of portal Registration for NBR family integrated with Cloud
Hi,  Please can you provide an help?
Preview is ok but page shows onlt login and is not clickable.
I collected some screenshots

Author: yujiamin@ruijie    Time: 2024-6-24 18:11
Dear sir

According to your explanations, you can proceed as follows:
1. Follow the path: Auth & Accounts > Captive portal > Add Captive Portal:

2. Fill out the blanks:

3. After clicking on Add page, if you only want to use the portal to give access to your customers to use e-wallet, it is recommended to use one-click login if no need to collect extra information, so follow these directions:

If it still can not work, please share with me your network to my email: via this guide:  to further check this issue. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards

Author: mturco@visiotec    Time: 2024-6-24 18:28
GTAC-Jenny replied at 2024-6-24 18:11
Dear sir

According to your explanations, you can proceed as follows:

Hi Jenny,
I need your support. I'lll send my project via mail


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