Ruijie Community

Title: How is uplink bandwidth congestion solved with Ethernet optical (PoE) technology, which uses the same rate as EPON for PON ports and utilizes TDMA for uplink? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-6-27 17:10
Title: How is uplink bandwidth congestion solved with Ethernet optical (PoE) technology, which uses the same rate as EPON for PON ports and utilizes TDMA for uplink?
The congestion issue is addressed through theimplementation of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) technology. DBAdynamically allocates bandwidth based on the link bandwidth requirements,ensuring a better uplink experience for customers. Additionally, to meetgrowing optical network demands, 2.5G PON devices will be added for both uplinkand downlink in the near future.
Note: If not using DBA mode, uplink bandwidth isevenly distributed based on the number of ONUs that are online on eachinterface. For instance, if a total of 8 ONUs are online under an opticalsplitter port, the uplink bandwidth is divided as 1000/8.

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