Ruijie Community

Title: Keeps rebooting [Print this page]

Author: Andrei    Time: 2024-6-29 16:17
Title: Keeps rebooting
It's been 3 days, my RG-EG105G V2 suddenly rebooted itself, it seems after I upgraded the last firmware this happened, please help.

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-6-29 17:09
Hi, Andrei Achrat

May I please know if the current firmware is ReyeeOS238? If the reboot issue persists, you may try downgrade to ReyeeOS280 first:

Please note that a new firmware will be released soon to address the random reboot issue we currently found in the ReyeeOS238 version.

Best regards,

Author: Andrei    Time: 2024-6-29 17:11
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-6-29 17:09
Hi, Andrei Achrat

May I please know if the current firmware is ReyeeOS238? If the reboot issue per ...


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