Ruijie Community

Title: How to do if Ruijie AP can't be synchronized to Ruijie Cloud? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-7-2 10:26
Title: How to do if Ruijie AP can't be synchronized to Ruijie Cloud?
Key Words: Keywords:

Configuration cannot be synchronized,ruijie cloud, Ruijie AP , Reyee, Ruijie EG
Issue Description / Fault Phenomenon

The device on Ruijie Cloud displays configurationsynchronization failed.

1. Wait for 10minutes to see if the synchronization is complete.
If there are too many devices or too many configurations issued at once, it willtake more time to synchronize. In this case, it is recommended to wait for 10minutes to check the progress.
2. Review the options that cannot be synchronizedand try to synchronize manually

If it still cannot be synchronized after waiting for 10 minutes, you can manuallysynchronize the configuration that cannot be synchronized separately.

3. View syncedcontent, sync status, and remarks.
After manual synchronization fails, check the execution result. Through the following interface, you can see the execution content and result.

4. Go to thecommand line interface to confirm whether the command to be synchronized hasbeen executed.
According to the executed content, go to the CLI interface to check whether the device configuration has actually been completed. It is possible that the execution has been successful. The cloud has not received the execution result due to network or device reasons, and it still shows that the synchronization is not successful. If the device configuration is not successful, you can try CLI manual configuration to see if it can be successfully executed. Because there may be problems on the device side, the command cannot be executed.
Inthe following case, the configuration of radio 2 and radio 3 was sent to the cloud, but due to the POE AF mode power supply on the device side, radio2 and radio3 could not be enabled, resulting in synchronization failure

5. View device-sidecommand execution records.

You can view the command execution record on the device side through show clirecord to see if the device side has executed the command issued by the cloud.If there is no execution record, it may be that the device side has not received the execution issued by the cloud, and the cloud or network needs tobe investigated.

6. Packet capture boundary
Implement packet capture on uplink devices and trigger configuration synchronization during the packet capture process. Analyze whether the configured message hasbeen received. If no such message has been captured, it is recommended to confirm whether there are security policy restrictions on the network exit. There levant ports to the cloud that need to be released from the device are: TCP80, 443, 25857, UDP 3478, 3479.

If you still can't sync, collect thefollowing information and contact online technical support:
1. AP side:
Showcli record
Debugcwmp all
Manually trigger synchronization in the cloud, wait for 3 minutes.
2. AP upstream devices implement packet capture while synchronizingmanually
3. Share cloud network projects

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