Ruijie Community

Title: Unbind a device [Print this page]

Author: andrew@sadomain    Time: 2024-7-3 18:33
Title: Unbind a device

My client has added his router to the cellphone app and I want to add it to the Ruijie cloud and it is asking me to unbind the device. I cant do it in the cloud as the device is not there and if I enter the serial number it says this device cannot be unbound. This is the device serial number i would like to add to the cloud G1TK2PA024119. I do not want to reset the clients router as he is not available for me to do this. Is there a way I can bind it to account 12279_Lubabalo_Skade 6 in the cloud.

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-7-3 18:52
Hi sir/madam,
Please help supply the device picture containing SN and Time Watermark to  prove you own this device  now,or supply the purchase invoice of this device, so that we can assist to unbind it from other's account for you.

Please send the image to this email:
<img alt="image.png">

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