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Title: STATUS OFFLINE [Print this page]

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-4 12:47
Hi Good Afternoon

Can you help me I have case all my switch is offline
thank you

Putu Setiawan

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-4 14:53
Hi, Putu Setiawan

Please refer to the following troubleshooting guide:

If your switch is running the latest firmware B1P27 version, you may configure cloud URL in the Cloud Settings:

If your device is installed in Indonesia, please navigate to Diagnostics > Cloud Settings and change the domain to or

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 10:43
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-4 14:53
Hi, Putu Setiawan

Please refer to the following troubleshooting guide:

Hi Jayden

I already doing your guidance but still not working/ still offline

Best regard
Putu Setiawan

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-7-9 11:07
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 10:43
Hi Jayden

I already doing your guidance but still not working/ still offline

Dear sir

may I confirm the current SN of your device
If you can show us the current scrresnhot of Cloud status of the switch?
could you also try to configure these urls on the switch?

If you can try to configure DNS server on the switch to ?

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 11:44
GTAC-Ross replied at 2024-7-9 11:07
Dear sir

Dear Sir

I submit the screenshot of my cloud

Author: yangyue1@ruijie    Time: 2024-7-9 13:14
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 11:44
Dear Sir

I submit the screenshot of my cloud

plz enter ES local web,
1.  set dns to in "ip setting"; and screenshot for us;
and plz upgrade ES to the latest firmware version as B1P27 shown in home page,
2. and enter system--cloud service--and screenshot for us the whole page

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 13:33
GTAC-Stella replied at 2024-7-9 13:14
plz enter ES local web,
1.  set dns to in "ip setting"; and screenshot for us;


Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 13:38
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 13:33

Hi, Putu Setiawan

In the Cloud Settings, the cloud domain is not resolved to IP address properly.
Please verify if the switch is connected to internet. You may test this by connecting a PC to the switch, make sure the PC receives and IP in the same segment as the switch, i.e 192.168.200.x and ping and to check the connectivity.

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 13:48
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-9 13:38
Hi, Putu Setiawan

In the Cloud Settings, the cloud domain is not resolved to IP address properly ...

hi Jayden
the switch is connected to internet, I now all device is connected to internet, and we use now for the internet

Author: liuxiyang@ruiji    Time: 2024-7-9 14:00
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 13:48
hi Jayden
the switch is connected to internet, I now all device is connected to internet, and we u ...

Hi sir,

Is there any firewall in your environment ? If so, please unblock these urls and ports.

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 15:22
GTAC-Steve replied at 2024-7-9 14:00
Hi sir,

Is there any firewall in your environment ? If so, please unblock these urls and ports.

HI Steve

Nothing firewall setup in my network

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 15:27
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 15:22
HI Steve

Nothing firewall setup in my network

Hi, Putu Setiawan

If in the Cloud Settings of the switch, the domain is still not resolved to the correct IP address, please show me the result of "ipconfig/all" and ping and on a PC connected to the switch LAN port.

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 16:19
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-9 15:27
Hi, Putu Setiawan

If in the Cloud Settings of the switch, the domain is still not resolved to the ...

Hi Jayden

Or you can remote to my laptop this is my anydesk address : 1 051 174 460
Thank you

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 16:22
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 16:19
Hi Jayden

Or you can remote to my laptop this is my anydesk address : 1 051 174 460

Hi, Putu Setiawan

I am sorry to inform you that we cannot take remote on anydesk, please send the screenshots of the result of ipconfig/all and ping to so that we can continue to check this issue for you.

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 16:26
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-9 16:22
Hi, Putu Setiawan

I am sorry to inform you that we cannot take remote on anydesk, please send th ...

Hi Jayden

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 17:23
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 16:26
Hi Jayden

Hi, Putu Setiawan

May I please know the complete network topology? Does the device uplink to the offline switch support packet capture?
We will need to capture the packets to analyse this issue further.

Best regards

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-9 17:57
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-9 17:23
Hi, Putu Setiawan

May I please know the complete network topology? Does the device uplink to the  ...

HI Jayden

Topologi Network

How to check if the switch support packet ?

Author: wengjialong@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 18:41
Putu Setiawan replied at 2024-7-9 17:57
HI Jayden

Topologi Network

Hi, Putu Setiawan

Can you please capture packets on the MIKROTIK CCR 2116?

Best regards,

Author: jhody007@gmail.    Time: 2024-7-10 08:56
GTAC-Jayden replied at 2024-7-9 18:41
Hi, Putu Setiawan

Can you please capture packets on the MIKROTIK CCR 2116?

Dear Jayden
how to check the packet on the MIKROTIK CCR 2116

Best Regards,

Putu Setiawan

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