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Title: reset the cavity portal authentication completely? [Print this page]

Author: rabin.ghimire@g    Time: 2024-7-4 23:53
Title: reset the cavity portal authentication completely?
how to completely reset the complete cavity portal authentication (cloud, local , authorized, QR)?
I have enabled both cloud, local and authorized portal in RG-EG209GS gateway previously for different vlan . After a month my boss asked me to change the authorized authentication portal to cloud authentication. When I Tried to change the vlan ip range to cloud authentication disabling it from authorized authentication, The IP or range overlap error occurred and I can't add this vlan to cloud authentication.

I have double checked the IP range to each type of authentication and disabled from authorized authentication section, but Can't do.

I don't find any option to completely reset all authentication type so that I can reconfigure the portal completely new. But I don't ..
please help.

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-7-5 00:29
Hi rabins_sky,
I am sorry that there is no one way to delete all portal polices on EG. But you may want to refer to these ways:
1. delete one by one on EG's web
2. If you have configured policies on the old UI of cloud, please delete all polices there

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