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Title: My Device is not sync on cloud Reyee, Manual Deliver [Print this page]

Author: ari.doni@klinik    Time: 2024-7-9 13:24
Title: My Device is not sync on cloud Reyee, Manual Deliver
my device is not sync, i'il try to manual deliver, after i klik Manual Deliver, status "Waiting for execution", what is means Waiting for execution, what sould i do

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 13:28
Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,
The status means you need to wait. The process needs time to be synchonized. If it does not work, please try to manual trigger it again or change some parameter of that configurtaion.

Author: ari.doni@klinik    Time: 2024-7-9 13:46
GTAC-Vivian replied at 2024-7-9 13:28
Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,
The status means you need to wait. The process needs time to be synchonize ...

how to try to manual trigger it again or change some parameter of that configurtaion, can i do configuration on cloud, or must be on eweb

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 13:55
Muhamad Ari Doni Awan replied at 2024-7-9 13:46
how to try to manual trigger it again or change some parameter of that configurtaion, can i do con ...

Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,

You can click the sync status to check which configuration is not applied and then manually trigger it. If it still fails, please change some parameters on the cloud of that part.

Author: ari.doni@klinik    Time: 2024-7-9 18:03
GTAC-Vivian replied at 2024-7-9 13:55
Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,

You can click the sync status to check which configuration is not appli ...

i was do Manually Deliver but still Not synced
, and my Device  config status is waiting

Author: chenchunyan@rui    Time: 2024-7-9 18:13
Muhamad Ari Doni Awan replied at 2024-7-9 18:03
i was do Manually Deliver but still Not synced
, and my Device  config status is waiting

Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,
Is your device online on the cloud? Is it is, then the color is green. If not, please make it online on the cloud first.
How to do when Reyee devices cannot go online on the Ruijie Cloud? - Switch - Ruijie Community (

If it is online while still cannot sync, please contact and share the project with me.
How to share network on cloud? - Ruijie Cloud - Ruijie Community (

Author: ari.doni@klinik    Time: 2024-7-10 17:55
GTAC-Vivian replied at 2024-7-9 18:13
Hi Muhamad Ari Doni Awan,
Is your device online on the cloud? Is it is, then the color is green.  ...

Thanks my problem was solve with GTACJ*yden

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