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Title: How to do if the downlink devices of RG-WALL- 1600-Z3200-S can’t access the external network? [Print this page]

Author: zhangqiao@ruiji    Time: 2024-7-11 11:44
Title: How to do if the downlink devices of RG-WALL- 1600-Z3200-S can’t access the external network?
1. Issue Phenomenon
Downlink devices of RG-WALL- 1600-Z3200-S can’t access the external network

2. Possible Causes and Solution
2.1 Wrong Configuration of RG-WALL1600-Z3200-S
Please follow this guide the chapter “6 ConfigurationExamples for Typical Scenarios” on Cookbook Ruijie Networks | Network Devices and Solutions Provider to do the right configuration.
2.1.1 The physical interface is not added to the security zone, or the security zone configuration is incorrect.

>>> Locate the problem:
1. There is no session on firewall but can get the session message by capture the package.
2. The security policy of the session is uncorrect
>>> Solution
Add the physical interface to the security zone and set WAN port as “trust”and LAN port as “untrust”. If you have customized other security zone, pleasemake sure that the configurations of security zone of physical interface are rightand security zone is in the allowlist of security policies
2.1.2 Wrong Route Configuration
>>> Locate the problem:
Check whether the inbound interface is correct or not viathe session description. If the inbound interface is incorrect, please check whether the route or PBR is configured wrongly.

Check the route configurations in the “Routing” item

2.1.3 Wrong NAT Configuration
>>>Locate the problem
NAT transmission is uncorrected in the session description

Check the NAT Policies, including Address Range, Security Zone, Policies Order etc. are correct or not.
2.1.4 Security Policy is not in the allowlist
Security policy in the session description is uncorrect

Check whether the security policies are correctlyconfigured, such as the address range, security zone, and policy sequence.
2. 2 UTM policy is configured and some traffics are blocked
Inaddition to the  wrong security policy configuration mentioned above, if UTM functions (such as application identification, antivirus, and content audit)are configured, the traffic may be blocked and  network may can't be accessed.
>>> Locate the problem:
1. Check whether the traffic is identified as attack traffic in security logs.

2. you also can remove the UTM functions to test whether the network can be accessed normally as long as it does not affect official business.
>>> Solution
1. Check the terminals according to the security logs
2. If  the security logs are wrong, please collect the detailed information of security logs, session information, package and contact Ruijie Tech Support for help.
2.3 The problems of uplink network and downlink
>>> Locate the problem:
The is no session information or can’t capture the message on ports
The number of uplink and downlink traffic or packets in the session information does not increase

>>> Solution:
Check the uplink and downlink network

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