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Title: Give subscribers limited access to router [Print this page]

Author: admin@afrieta.c    Time: 2024-7-18 14:34
Title: Give subscribers limited access to router
We are an ISP and manage our EW1200 and EW1200 pro using the cloud platform. How can we give the subscribers LIMITED access to the application so they can view who is connected to the wifi and change router wifi passwords. We dont want them changing the internet or wifi settings.

Author: v-shaojinren@ru    Time: 2024-7-19 21:30
Hello Shahin,
Have you tried sharing your project with your subscribers and set it as read-only? Here is a guide on how you can share your project:

Make sure it is set as read-only before proceed.

After receiving the project, your subscribers can visit the monitoring panel of your routers. And they can view the traffic usage, log history, etc.

Should anyone without writing privilege try to configure the network, a "permission denied" message will be prompted.

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