Ruijie Community

Title: Ruijie Gateway DDNS is not using the right WAN IP address [Print this page]

Author: support@multiso    Time: 2024-7-24 18:01
Title: Ruijie Gateway DDNS is not using the right WAN IP address
Dear all,

We observed that the Ruijie DDNS is using the wrong WAN IP "" for the A record, is there any way to fix it?

The Gateway is behind a TPlink router with DMZ set to Ruijie WAN IP, we can not remove the Tplink for some reasons.

Author: guominxiang@rui    Time: 2024-7-25 09:41

I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
When you switched from WAN ip to public IP, did you wait for the cloud to refresh the page?
Can you try switching WAN IP again, then switch to public IP and check to refresh?
Which IP address is resolved when you access or ping the test?

Best regards,

Author: support@multiso    Time: 2024-7-25 12:20
GTAC-Micca replied at 2024-7-25 09:41

I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.

No Luck after Trying all your advice.

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-7-25 12:54
Leo Tam replied at 2024-7-25 12:20
No Luck after Trying all your advice.


I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
We noticed the MGMT IP and Egress IP is the same ip address which is abnoraml
May I know if you can input following commands to the device?
conf t
acs url's SN

Best regards,

Author: support@multiso    Time: 2024-7-25 14:44
GTAC-Ross replied at 2024-7-25 12:54

That is already running:

Author: liujunhui1@ruij    Time: 2024-7-25 21:55
Leo Tam replied at 2024-7-25 14:44
That is already running:
I‘m sorry that we can't provide a specific solution for you based on current information.
Can you help to check the following aspects:
We noticed the MGMT IP and Egress IP is the same ip address which is abnoraml It may caused the DDNS configuration didnt' take affect
We also noticed the current acs url still in the default url
May I confirm the MGMT IP and egress ip address still the same after you input the commands we provided?
conf t
acs url's SN
becaues we want to confirm whether ther egress ip address will change after commands are input to the device
Best regards,

Author:    Time: 2024-9-12 01:51
Edited by ExCTO Nexo at 2024-9-12 01:52

Hi Leo Tam,

I have noticed there is pendant a gateway's firmware upgrade:

Have you tried?
You could check the issues resolved here
Hope it helps!
Let us know ;)
Kind regards,

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